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Lesson Plan

Why is being a vegetarian a better option than the traditional omnivorous diet?

Lesson Plan

Fiona M. Steinour


  1. Students will be able to know what a vegetarian is and the different kinds 

  2. Students will be able to identify the positive effects on the body when being a vegetarian

  3. Students will be able to identify the the negative effects of eating meat on a weekly basis


  1. Explaining what a vegetarian is

-Identify the definition of a vegetarian

-question if anyone is a vegetarian!

-Explain the different types of vegetarians

-Explain how this diet is sustainable

  1. Explain the positive effects of being a vegetarian

-Weight doesn't fluctuate on the diet

-This diet has been proven to prevent diseases

  1. Explain the negative effects of eating meat on a weekly basis

-Weight fluctuates 

-Chemicals passed from the meat to the body

-Proved that some diseases are worsened by meat and are more common in meat 



  • Slide Format from slides

  • 1 or 2 video clips of animals being injected with chemicals


What To Know About The Vegetarian Diet.”, June 2014, Accessed 

10 Sep. 2020.

Sass, Cynthia. “What Is The Difference Between Vegan And Vegetarian?”, 21 May 2019, Accessed 15 Sept. 2020.

Bello, Walden. “Compassion For The Animals.”, Accessed 15 Sep. 


Inhumane Practices On Factory Farms.", Accessed 15 Sep. 2020. 

Lesson Plan: Work
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